Contact HDL

This page was confirmed correct on 5 March 2025

To contact Hastings Diesels with comments or questions on any relevant subject, please send email to the address below:

[TEXT IN IMAGE]: The address you should use is this:
<YYYY [at] hastingsdiesels [dot] co [dot] uk>
where YYYY is this year’s value; no spaces, of course.

Thank you. We endeavour to respond appropriately to email in a reasonable time-frame.

Emailing list

If you would like to receive an occasional email flagging-up newly added railtour information, please write to us as above; we would be pleased to add you to our emailing list.

The emailing list is operated via Google Groups as it became rather large for traditional email-servers to cope with. However it is still operated as an emailing list. It is no longer (since March 2018) possible for users to add themselves to the list via Google Groups, as doing so was resulting in non-delivery of emails unless we intervened: please email us with your request instead, and include the phrase “emailing list” in the Subject line.

While we do also operate a postal mailing list, this costs us a considerable amount of time and money; so we urge you to partake of the emailing list instead—you receive the same information plus timely updates, and it reduces our bills and the workload for our volunteers.

Social Media

For some years we operated a Twitter account, @HastingsDiesels.

We now operate an analagous Bluesky account, As an alternative to the emailing list, you could instead receive notifications of new material by following us on Bluesky.


Any photograph or other material sent to us is deemed to be a submission unless marked “not for publication”. By making a submission you retain the copyright of the material but hereby permit us to use it or a modified form on this website and/or on our Twitter feed and/or in promotional materials and/or on merchandise.

Whilst we take the Copyright of material published on this website very seriously, we cannot be held responsible for infringements by third parties.

What happens to my shareholding?

HDL is a company supported by shareholders; unavoidably, shareholders reach the end of their lives at some stage. Forgive us for mentioning this here as a Frequently Asked Question—but it really is one!

What happens to my shares? Does HDL buy them back from my estate?

The answer is no. Hastings Diesels is run on a not-for-profit basis, it is not ‘floated’ on any market or exchange. Shares are bought by shareholders in order to support the Company, not with a view to turning a profit nor in expectation of a dividend!

HDL is in no way obliged to—nor has any moral duty to—buy back any shares from any shareholder; we would only do so in exceptional circumstances. Given that there is no ready market for these shares, they have no value other than as a means of supporting the Company.

If a shareholder nominates a person who wishes to buy their shares, then if the Board approves of that person, the shares may be transferred.

HDL always wishes to be notified of the death of a shareholder. This section constitutes advice to solicitors etc. who would be seeking encashment of shares—in the same manner as would be expected in the case of shares in a Public Limited Company.

Privacy Policy and Data Protection

Why might Hastings Diesels Limited (HDL) need to hold your personal data?

How does HDL collect your personal data?

By “personal data” we mean any or all of your: title, initials, name, email address, postal address, telephone number, shareholder number, and occasionally brief supplementary notes that assist us in the proper processing of the above actvities (e.g. “Usually sits with Mr Bloggs”, “Hard of hearing, do not telephone”).

Your personal data are stored securely in electronic form, and are used only for the purposes described above; they are shared via SSL transfer or carefully via closed-list sharing on Google Drive with other key HDL staff who need them to carry out their duties. They may be shared with our partner companies only in the legitimate discharge of our activities, e.g. Google Groups by which the emailing list is operated; or (potentially) when at some time in the future we begin accepting online payments via a third-party payment-processing service. They will never be otherwise shared or sold.

We endeavour to keep our records up to date. Please email or write to us with any changes that you wish us to record.

Hastings Diesels Limited is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, Reference number ZA328832, current registration (at the time this notice was last updated) valid from 2018-03-17 to 2025-03-16, and our Data Protection Officer is Francis Wallace.

This website does not use Java, Javascript, Cookies, nor any means of tracking individual users. Server logs are stored temporarily from time to time in order to identify errors or areas for improvement. The website does not include any third-party advertising nor any monetization, either overt or covert.